
We’ve added user interest targeting!


Did you know that Adcash advertisers are now able to target users based on their interests?
Last week we unveiled our cutting-edge user interest targeting capabilities for our Advertisers and we thought we'd let you know about it. So, what it does it mean for you:

  • Better targeted ads

  • Superior ad relevance

  • Improved user experience

  • Potential revenue increase

By showing your audience more relevant ads, they're more likely to engage with them and click, meaning more income for you. 

Want to know more? Take a look at this!

User Interest Targeting: What it is and why it's awesome.

Learn more about what user interest targeting is, how it works and how it differs from other targeting types.

If you've got any questions about user interest campaigns and your site, our support team is here to help

If you have any feedback on this, or any other features, let us know - we're all ears!

Until next time, have a wonderful week!

The Adcash Team

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Kentmanni 4 | 10116 | Tallinn, Estonia

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  1. Are you trying to earn money from your websites or blogs with popunder advertisments?
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