
Google Safe Browsing - What It Is & What We’re Doing About It


As you may be aware, Google recently announced that they are implementing new rules for their Safe Browsing scheme, specifically relating to, what they term, "deceptive download buttons". I wanted to reach out to reassure you that we are aware of this and have taken on board the information provided by Google.

Adcash is committed to serving quality, engaging ads that deliver great results for you, as a Publisher. It is important to state that you will not see any decrease in revenue as a result of these changes.

Going forward, we will be implementing stricter controls and requirements for our Advertiser partners, to ensure that Adcash ads served on your site are compliant with the new Safe Browsing standards.

In addition to that, we are working closely with a number of technology partners to streamline the validation and monitoring process, meaning that if, for some reason, a non-compliant campaign does slip through the net, it will be detected and removed as quickly as possible.

I look forward to your continued partnership with Adcash and, as always, if you have any feedback or questions on this topic, or any other, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,

Tarmo Tammel
Head of Publishers

© 2016
Kentmanni 4 | 10116 | Tallinn, Estonia

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